FeedbackTemplate: Class

The FeedbackTemplate class is used to create a feedback template message. It has a title property, a subtitle property, a buttonTitle property, a feedbackScreens property, a businessPrivacy property, and an expiresInDays property.


const { FeedbackTemplate } = require('chat-bridge')


To create a new FeedbackTemplate object, use the following code:

const feedbackTemplate = new FeedbackTemplate(
    'Feedback Template Title',
    'Feedback Template Subtitle',
    'Feedback Button Title'



  • addFeedbackScreens(feedbackScreens: Array<FeedbackScreen>): FeedbackTemplate - Adds feedback screens to the feedback template message. Returns the FeedbackTemplate object.
const feedbackTemplate = new FeedbackTemplate(
    'Feedback Template Title',
    'Feedback Template Subtitle',
    'Feedback Button Title'
    new FeedbackScreen().addQuestions([
        new FeedbackQuestion('hauydmns8', FeedbackQuestionType.CSAT)
            .setTitle('How would you rate your experience with Original Coast Clothing?')
            .setFollowUp(new FollowUp('free_form').setPlaceholder('Give additional feedback')),


  • setBusinessPrivacy(url: string): FeedbackTemplate - Sets the business privacy URL of the feedback template message. Returns the FeedbackTemplate object.
const feedbackTemplate = new FeedbackTemplate(
    'Feedback Template Title',
    'Feedback Template Subtitle',
    'Feedback Button Title'


  • setExpiresInDays(expiresInDays: number): FeedbackTemplate - Sets the expiration in days of the feedback template message. Returns the FeedbackTemplate object.
const feedbackTemplate = new FeedbackTemplate(
    'Feedback Template Title',
    'Feedback Template Subtitle',
    'Feedback Button Title'


const feedbackTemplate = new FeedbackTemplate(
    'Rate your experience with Original Coast Clothing.',
    'Let Original Coast Clothing know how they are doing by answering two questions',
    'Rate Experience'
        new FeedbackScreen().addQuestions([
            new FeedbackQuestion('hauydmns8', FeedbackQuestionType.CSAT)
                .setTitle('How would you rate your experience with Original Coast Clothing?')
                .setFollowUp(new FollowUp('free_form').setPlaceholder('Give additional feedback')),