ButtonTemplate: Class

The ButtonTemplate class is used to create a button template message. It has a text property and a buttons property. The text property is the text of the button template message. The buttons property is an array of CallButton, PostbackButton, or UrlButton objects.


const { ButtonTemplate } = require('chat-bridge')


To create a new ButtonTemplate object, use the following code:

const buttonTemplate = new ButtonTemplate('Button Template Text')



  • addButtons(buttons: Array<CallButton | PostbackButton | UrlButton>): ButtonTemplate - Adds buttons to the ButtonTemplate object. Returns the ButtonTemplate object.
const buttonTemplate = new ButtonTemplate('Hello, World!').addButtons([
    new CallButton('Call Button', '+6281234567890'),
    new PostbackButton('Postback Button', 'postback'),
    new UrlButton('Url Button', 'https://chat-bridge.pages.dev/'),

You can learn more about the CallButton, PostbackButton, and UrlButton classes in the Button API.